1. Scope, General

For participation in all online training sessions, seminars (hereinafter referred to as “Online Trainings & Seminars”), as well as Wait & Train® Online offered by TrintCo® (hereinafter referred to as “TrintCo®”), the following General Terms and Conditions apply, subject to the contract concluded between TrintCo® and the company, the participants, or the coachee (hereinafter “Client”).

TrintCo® does not recognize any conflicting terms and conditions of the Client unless TrintCo® has expressly agreed to them in writing.

2. Conclusion of Contract

2.1. The written or telephone registration of the Client constitutes a binding offer. In the case of written registration, TrintCo® may accept the offer within two weeks after dispatch of the offer; in the case of telephone registration, within one week after the telephone call. The decisive factor for this is the date of the postmark for an offer by mail, or the date for an offer by email.

2.2. Thereafter, TrintCo® sends the invoice to the Client. The contract is concluded upon dispatch of the invoice.

2.3. Registrations for Online Trainings & Seminars are generally considered in the order of their receipt, but liability on this basis is excluded. If a registration cannot be considered, this will be communicated promptly.

3. Execution of the Order

3.1. TrintCo® provides the service described in the contract and carries out the activity free from instructions. This does not establish an employment relationship with the Client.

3.2. The owner of TrintCo®, Renée Müller-Naendrup, is entitled to provide the agreed services herself or through qualified employees, unless expressly agreed otherwise.

4. Payment Terms

4.1. The Client is obliged to pay the total amount before commencement, unless otherwise agreed in writing, immediately and in full.

4.2.1. Online Trainings & Seminars: The Client is in default no later than 30 days after receipt of the invoice. This applies to a Client if this consequence is expressly pointed out in the invoice. We can demand €5,- for each reminder after default occurs.

4.2.2. Wait & Train® Online: The Client is in default no later than 14 days after receipt of the invoice. This applies to a Client if this consequence is expressly pointed out in the invoice. We can demand €5,- for each reminder after default occurs.

4.3. The total amount stated on the invoice is to be transferred to the specified bank account.

4.4. Invoices are sent directly to the invoicing department of companies and businesses unless otherwise agreed. The invoice amount is due immediately and without deduction. Prices are exclusive of VAT and any costs for travel, expenses, and hotel services.

5. Cancellations

5.1. TrintCo® offers the Client the possibility to withdraw from the contract.

5.1.1. Online Trainings & Seminars: In case of cancellation

  • up to 30 days before commencement, a cancellation fee of EUR 120.00 will be charged.

  • from 29 to 21 days before commencement, the cancellation fee is 30% of the total volume booked.

  • from 20 to 10 days before commencement, the cancellation fee is 60% of the total volume booked.

If cancellation occurs less than 10 days before the start of the online training or seminar, the cancellation fee is 100% of the total volume booked.

5.1.2. Wait and Train® Online: In case of cancellation

  • up to 15 days before commencement, a cancellation fee of EUR 170.00 will be charged.

  • from 14 to 10 days before commencement, the cancellation fee is 70% of the total volume booked.

If cancellation occurs less than 10 days before commencement, the cancellation fee is 100% of the total volume booked.

5.2. Any payments already made will be offset by TrintCo®.

5.3. Cancellation is only possible in writing by letter or email.

5.4. In the event of illness preventing participation at the start of the Online Training & Seminar, a medical certificate must be submitted no later than 1 week after notification. In the case of an open group training, the participant will automatically be registered for the next equivalent course, and the full fee already paid will be credited. In the case of individual training, the start will be postponed by the number of days of illness.

5.5. If an online training & seminar that has already started is terminated due to illness or other reasons, a refund of the remaining units/hours, in the case of an open group training/seminar, is excluded. In individual training, participants have the opportunity to make up for these within 6 months, after which they will be considered as completed. Making up for the units/hours from open group courses and seminars is excluded.

5.6. If already agreed-upon appointments in individual training or Wait & Train® Online are canceled by the Client or the participant less than 48 hours before commencement, the full calculation will be made and the canceled units/hours will be considered “held.” In the event of the Online Training & Seminar or Wait & Train® Online taking place on a Monday, cancellation must be made no later than the preceding Friday at 12:00 p.m.

6. Right of Withdrawal

6.1. Right of Withdrawal: You have the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period is fourteen days from the day of conclusion of the contract. To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us (TrintCo®, Berchardweg 8, 80995 Munich, Email: by means of a clear statement of your decision to withdraw from this contract, either by sending a letter by post or an email.

6.2. Consequences of Withdrawal: In the event of an effective withdrawal, the mutually received benefits must be returned. This may result in you having to fulfill the contractual payment obligations for the period up to the withdrawal nonetheless. If you cannot return or surrender the received performance and benefits (e.g., benefits of use) in whole or in part, or only in a deteriorated condition, you must compensate TrintCo® accordingly. In the case of the transfer of goods, you must only pay compensation for the deterioration of the goods and for derived benefits to the extent that the benefits or the deterioration are attributable to handling the goods beyond testing the properties and functionality. “Testing the properties and functionality” means testing and trying out the respective goods, as is possible and customary in a retail store. Goods that can be shipped by parcel are to be returned at the expense and risk of the Client. Goods that cannot be shipped by parcel will be collected from the Client. Any costs incurred shall be borne by the Client (e.g., travel costs, travel expenses, hotel costs, and expenses). Obligations to reimburse payments must be fulfilled within 30 days of sending your declaration of withdrawal. The period begins for the Client with the dispatch of your declaration of withdrawal and for TrintCo® with its receipt. The right of withdrawal expires prematurely if the contract has been fully fulfilled by both parties.

7. Cancellation/Termination of the Contract

7.1. Both parties are entitled to withdraw for important reasons.

7.2. TrintCo® in particular has the right to postpone or cancel the agreed-upon dates if, for example, there are not enough registrations or if cancellation becomes necessary for reasons beyond TrintCo®’s control. These include, for example, illness/accident of the trainer or force majeure.

7.3. TrintCo® will inform the Client immediately about the cancellation and, in the event of withdrawal, refund any consideration received within 14 days. However, the primary objective of the parties is to endeavor to find an adequate replacement date.

7.4. TrintCo® reserves the right to make changes to the training times for urgent reasons. Any changes will be made in consultation with the Client or the participants. If an online training & seminar is conducted despite an insufficient number of participants, TrintCo® reserves the right to shorten the duration of the event appropriately.

7.5. In the event of complete cancellation, TrintCo® will immediately refund the participation fee already paid. In the case of a mere postponement, the participant in an open group training/seminar will receive a refund of the participation fee already paid if he/she informs TrintCo® in writing immediately after notification of the alternative date that he/she cannot attend the new date. TrintCo® does not reimburse any cancellation costs or other expenses incurred by the Client or the participant due to a cancellation or rescheduling of the appointment (e.g., for hotels, flights, etc.).

8. Liability

8.1. TrintCo® is liable for damages caused by TrintCo® intentionally or grossly negligently. Further liability is excluded. This exclusion of liability does not apply to personal injury.

8.2. The limitations of paragraph 8.1. also apply in favor of the legal representatives and vicarious agents of TrintCo®, if claims are asserted directly against them. Freelancers are excluded from this.

8.3. TrintCo® is not liable for damage to items brought by the participants (e.g., laptop, mobile phone, etc.) and caused by third parties.

9. Copyright, Terms of Use

9.1. The copyright to all documents, concepts, designs, and other materials (“Materials”) created by TrintCo® in the context of the service remains with Renée Müller-Naendrup. The same applies to materials created in cooperation with other authors.

9.2. If materials have been provided by TrintCo® in advance, the participant must destroy or return them if he/she does not attend the booked event.

9.3. In all other respects, materials in any form created by TrintCo® as part of a service or provided by TrintCo® to the participant as part of the service provision may only be reproduced, published, or made publicly accessible – even in part or in edited form – with the express written consent of TrintCo®. Unlawful behavior will be prosecuted.

9.4. Audio and/or video recordings of the online training & seminar or other services provided by TrintCo® are only permitted with the written permission of TrintCo®.

9.5. The Client or the participant assures TrintCo® that any materials provided are free from third-party rights that would prevent their use in the training. The Client, the participant indemnifies TrintCo® against claims by third parties arising from any infringement of third-party rights by the use of training materials provided by the Client.

10. Confidentiality

10.1. The Client or the participants undertake to maintain confidentiality to third parties regarding all information that comes to their attention in the course of conducting the booked measure and concerns personal experiences, motivations, circumstances, or similar of other participants or the trainer, even beyond the end of the event.

10.2. TrintCo® undertakes to exercise strict confidentiality regarding all information resulting from the contractual cooperation and obtained by TrintCo® from the processing of this information.

11. Data Protection

11.1. TrintCo® will treat the personal data of the participants in all conducted online trainings & seminars as well as Wait & Train® Online and the economic data of the Client that becomes known to TrintCo® confidentially and in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.

11.2. TrintCo® maintains strict confidentiality regarding all information resulting from the contractual cooperation and obtained by TrintCo® from the processing of this information. The Client shall maintain confidentiality regarding the details of this contract.

11.3. TrintCo® will treat the personal data of the participants or other persons obtained through the online training & seminar as well as Wait & Train® Online confidentially and in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.

11.4. Both parties will only store or retain personal data that becomes known to them in connection with their cooperation to the extent necessary for invoicing, safeguarding their own rights, or fulfilling legal obligations.

11.5. TrintCo® is entitled to use the data obtained in connection with the provision of the agreed services for scientific and journalistic purposes in anonymized form.

11.6. These obligations shall also apply after the termination of the assignment and the termination of the cooperation.

12. Advertising

12.1. The Client and TrintCo® are entitled to refer to their cooperation within the framework of the online training & seminar as well as Wait & Train® Online for advertising purposes, especially for promoting the online training & seminar as well as Wait & Train® Online.

13. Place of Performance – Choice of Law – Jurisdiction

13.1. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the place of performance and payment is the registered office of TrintCo® in Munich.

13.2. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to this contract.

13.3. The exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be the court competent for the registered office of TrintCo®.

14. Final Provisions

14.1. Oral collateral agreements have not been made.

14.2. These General Terms and Conditions apply exclusively. Other terms and conditions have not been agreed upon.

14.3. If one or more provisions of these terms and conditions are or become wholly or partially invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions and the validity of the contract as a whole. The contracting parties shall agree on a substitute provision that comes as close as possible to the original.

14.4. German law shall apply exclusively.

14.5. The place of jurisdiction is Munich.