
Trilingual intercultural Communication

Sprache allein reicht nicht, um den richtigen Ton zu treffen.

TrintCo® was founded in 2014 and initially stood for Trilingual intercultural Coaching.

The original idea was to coach (“co”) intercultural (“int”) teams in German, English and Spanish (“tri”).

During Corona, I was no longer able to provide this training and after Corona, more and more companies started to make working from home more attractive. So I had to reposition myself.

Today, TrintCo® stands for Trilingual intercultural Communication and offers three major online areas: Language and Exam Preparation Training , German & English for Engineers and Wait & Train®.

All trainings are supported by my 7-S-Method and my TrintCo® ThemeGrammar and are based on the science of Positive Psychology and Mindful Communication.

TrintCo® ThemeGrammar

Reach your goal with clarity and structure!

Why did I design TrintCo® ThemeGrammar?

In many textbooks, grammar is not explained sufficiently and the exercises are not enough to understand and / or consolidate what is new.

That is why I have created a haptic grammar in recent years, which is logically structured with colours and contains many exercises.

About Me

I grew up in five different countries (Venezuela, Pakistan, Chile, Argentina and the U.S.A.) and in four different cultures – if I add the German culture too. This ist the reason for speaking three languages fluently: German, English and Spanish.

It took a very long time until I finally found what my heart beats for. And that´s exactly what I do today with love and passion.